Sunday, April 4, 2010


Four years of togetherness, four years of seeing each other, still not being fed up,
but wanting to come back, over and over again…
finding yourself staring at the ceiling at 2:00 in the night and scared to even think that in about a month from now, you won’t be hurrying to reach the Quadrangle…
16 acres of the campus become dearer to you when you know that an official ‘Nirop’ is on the cards for you.
Life at VJTI had too many aspects to it. Broadly we can categorize them as academic, social and (ahem, ahem) romantic.

First let us be done with the sullen part of our academic life. As an Electrical engineering student, this part probably had less impact on my life here. First year was full of anticipation. Mass bunk was thrilling then. In the exam room, I was strictly restricted to my own business. In the following years, exams became more of a collaborative effort. Irrespective of how they went, a movie or an eating out always followed every petty MST or a much hyped EST. Laboratory sessions were when the lesser known faces of the class would make an out of the blue appearance. Workshops were literally amongst the ‘hottest’ places on the campus. Some labs gave us the chance to handle 220/440 Volts of electricity. Most of wisely decided to not take the risk and let the wires be! Clicking pictures in the lab was better fun.
In the 2nd year, our classroom was situated on the third floor. As an underweight student, I prevented myself from further losing calories by avoiding the staircase. The bulky ones didn’t work that hard to get to the top and so the perfectly fit ones also found themselves in the quadrangle as they missed their friends who had valid reasons for not making it to the class. In the 3rd year, we were placed well; on the first floor bang opposite the Quad. So, we took the less treaded path to the classroom with a higher frequency. In the final year, the classroom misses us a lot!

Note: if you are thrown out of the class, please carry your ID and bag. It’s easier to head to places like gymkhana, canteen or quad with these things in place.

Next in the line is our social life; the attributes of which are very appealing to my entire gang of friends. Ask us about festivals, and Pratibimb, Enthusia and Technovanza is what we will talk about. The four months of winter season every year gave us the warmest days of our lives. The dusty hub was where we spent more time than our homes. The colors, brushes, sponsorship deals and Rs.8/- food coupons (now Rs.10/-) meant a world to us! Year after year we found ourselves in the Fresher’s Party. 4 years weren’t long enough to make us stale!
Festivals also gave us a fair chance to skip lectures officially.
“Sir, I was a part of the event’s core committee”.
At this, the professor would smirk and we could get away!
One line can be so self-explanatory!

Lastly comes the most special aspect of our ‘Romantic life’. A few of us venture into this high-risk territory. Yet, college remains the place which probably gave you your first crush, first love; that special someone for whom you were waiting for so long…
Library would give you a good chance to 'study' together! Otherwise, getting caught in a library isn't good for your reputation.
On a Rose day, one brave heart would trudge ahead to make his first proposal and his naughty friends would be hanging in at the back to capture the image when his throat would go dry. A dull physics experiment would also seen enchanting if ‘he’/’she’ would be in your batch. Walking down the stairs or along the corridors would be breath-taking if you could get that one glimpse while both of you walked in a herd of people. Trad day would give you the golden opportunity to click a photo with him. Your photos with the other hims/hers would subtly camouflage your favorite picture!
Yet life wasn’t all that rosy. Heartbreaks, longings and break-ups were also a part of this amazing journey.

VJTI will remain the fondest part of my memories; a place which had so much to give each and everyone of us: a sense of responsibility, a sense of belonging and the ability to reach for greater success in life. Today we are wise enough to decide the course of our life, to switch cities and even countries. More importantly; we learnt to love, we learnt to share and we loved to care.

Thank You VJTI, for being such an awesome place!!!


Unknown said...

This is the best way any1 can club all the moments,emotions,sentiments in 4yrs of VJTI...

Well said Priya...I thoroughly liked it... especially the last para couple of paras were the best!!!

Ameya H Vaidya said...

That was so so so.......sniff....

Tomorrow if anyone asks me what are the best lines that you have ever read in your lives...i will say....

"(At VJTI)Most importantly; we learned to love, we learned to share and we loved to care."

Mihir.. said...

my eyes r actually watery ( thts actually coz im nt wearin specs while lookin @ d screen..but still !!). A nicely summed up short...the VJTI experience has made us responsible citizens of this global village. And friends have played the biggest part in that !!..still a week to go...lets max it out ..
(p.s. - u cud mayb write an entirely fresh blogpost on the romantic aspect..some ppl just wanna read such stuff !! )

Hardik Kothare said...

my eyes are moistened too...i have no regrets in accepting that this is because of the emotions welling up inside me..and yeah i agree with the 'romantic aspect' part of mihir's comment...we can actually write a thesis on 'ishq vishq in VJTI' with generous inputs from Siddhi!

Advait said...

yea.. i agree with mihir... write naa priya... :P

well written... though i am not sure whether i have grown up wiser....
and also somewhere i get a feeling that this is not even 20% of what u actually wanna write... this is typical priya amrute.... i am pretty sure ur emotions about everything in the college are much much stronger than what u have presented... but then again priya amrute presents the most moderate and calm self.... so well done :)

Ameya Joshi said...

hey really nice post..........I agree wth Ameya.......If any1 asked me wht VJTI means 2 u....definitely I will tell him 2 read ur blog....gr8!

Unknown said...

Ahh so most of the gang has already been here.
Well I was in VJTI for only a year but well I enjoyed that year quite a lot.

Prasad Vaidya said...

dunno what to say....would repeat patki's comment for the moment....

please read patki's comment again...

priya amrute said...

@Pranav: glad u could relate to my feelings..
@Ameya: incidentally those are my favorite line too!
@Mihir: everyone seems to like your suggestion..i will definitely think over it!
@Hardik: 'ishq vishq in VJTI' is a great concept..even ur inputs will be welcomed to frame the thesis!
@Advait: to a certain extent, you are right..though 20%is too less..we can take it to 60%!
@Joshi: thanks a lott!..khup chaan appreciation aahe..
@White: 3more years for u! damn lucky..i must say!
@P: Advait's comment is great..but u could have done a better job at commenting!

pigeonheadophobia said...

Very nice..But i agree with Advait..This is only 50 % ( or even lesser) of what Priya could have written had she allowed her emotions to flow comfortably...

I totally agree with the romantic part..hehehe...VJTI gave me some important lessons in this area..Also i have set really high standards for myself now..:P

priya amrute said...

@Siddhi: benchmarking..great girl!
what a nice thing to learn!

Unknown said...

hey sexy hai..ruk kal baat karte hai..i juz read it..bola naa aaram se fursat mein padhungaa..

Geetan said...

wow u painted quite a picture!ultimately college lyf nd its memories are cherished by all forever 'cause no where else can one experience so much freedom and so many emotional fluctuations!

nice post :)!

priya amrute said...

@Geet: Thanks a lott!
college is no doubt the awesomest part of our lives!

Anshu Thakur said...

WOW! Pri, ur an awesome writer...Wonder if VJTI unleashed this talent of yrs or stiffled it(u cud be a professional)I've liked many blogs of all u pepul, but dis one compelled me 2 leave a comment...n yes, my eyes moistened n my heart churned... i too am afraid 2 think of future after quad, no familiar faces, no shouting PRIYAAA n most importantly no Priya selflessly leaving her friends to give me company...

priya amrute said...

@anshu: thanks a lottttttt for ur comment/ compliment/ appreciation...
i'l pretty much remember ur PRIYAAA echoing from any random nook and corner of our college!
hoping post VJTI life unfolds nothing but best to each on of us...

pigeonheadophobia said...

With all due respect to the eye moistening and the heart churning, GOD can people actually spell people like it's supposed to be spelt?? We are humans and not trees

kushal said...

Hey, i think there is lots more u wished to write, for i know its difficult ..or wait impossible for us to say the festivals in just 3 words ( pratibimb, techno, enthu)....and loads of other topics....but well summarized...

I have this belief that, we are all here, in this world, to experience emotions of different kinds....and VJTI truly gave me the best emotional roller coaster ride...( i guess we all lived an entire lifetime in those four years..)

elv10smoke said...

Reminded me of my college days , i guess every college has the same story