Yes, that’s what CAT2009 can be termed as!
Known for its consistency in throwing surprises year after year, this year CAT had peanuts to throw at the aspirants.
As there was no hint of surprise…the candidates had no apprehensions pertaining to surprises, all they had was fanatical fear. Hence crashing of servers, shut down of the testing centres was all expected.
CAT2009 began with a declared surprise: that it was going online. There were no two ways about it. Now, after developments in disasters during the first 3 days, educational experts are suggesting a return to the paper-based format. So, this might be the most un/favorable surprise in store for us.
Mass cheating, blurring of screens, virus attacks are consistently being a part of this hysteria. Instances of questions being repeated in the 2nd and 3rd day sessions have also been reported. There has been no marking scheme released as yet. The entire process which garnered trust of students, the educational fraternity and the recruiters is far from being transparent and agog with discrepancies and ample mistrust. What big a question mark will this chain of events create on the IIM 2009-11 batch students is another issue for contemplation.
The CAT this year has generated more questions offline:
• How are the IIMs going to account for all these glitches?
• Are they even going to give a statement of assurance to the bewildered students??
• Was such great a reliance on an international firm justified, that the IIMs could allow them to conduct the maiden round of exams without any trials?
• Are they ever going to being questioned on having dared to mess around with a career defining exam for the elite class of students of India?
• Is a paper based re-test on the cards??
The entire episode is reduced to a farce. The credibility of the students going to enter the premier B-schools of India is on absolutely slippery grounds.
My sincere wishes to all the students taking this test. This year we are being tested for our patience. Intelligence; yes even that!! just got forsaken in this rut!
no worries....the COO of Prometric has come to India to solve the crisis...the virii conflicker and nimda attacked the websites of prometric because the systems used in various colleges could not be sanitized completely beforehand...and i think the trust that the iims showed in prometric for the conduction of the test can be justified...
the tests are happening! those 2 hrs 15 minutes have not changed a there is going to be no chance of a paper based re-exam...
do not watch news channels before important exams like CAT because, as it is apparent in your case, they give you all the confusing news without any proof at all.......
Yeah.....Prometric! Aaipat nahi tar stunts kashala?
You know what the affected students should sue Prometric for 10 million dollars, for causing "Mental Torture" and "Emotional Strain" and "Psychological Trauma"!!!!!
Anyways in America they are under trauma for even the slightest inconvenience!
They must understand are plight!
And if the damages r divided amongst the 2.5 lac aspirants, we wont need the IIMs :P
@Prasad: Haven't these professionals at the centres and at Prometric heard about something called as 'Licensed Anti-Virus' software? Or are you and me the only ones who use it? :P
Serves them right....pirated use karu and the pirates will have fun......
nimda was first found in 2001!!! by now even the firewall can protect ur pc against it
people pleaseeeee..
we are discussing CAT 2009 and not anti-viruses!!
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